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Fallon Taylor Clinicx2 !?

Hey there everyone!

So just this Thursday Bay Ridge Equestrian traveled up to Norco California for NFR 2014 champion/ professional barrel racer Fallon Taylor's western clinic. This is our second year attending one of her clinic's and I have to say it is such a super fun, uplifting, overall a great experience for anyone of all disciplines to enjoy.


Fallon Taylor won the gold buckle at the National Finals Rodeo in 2014 located in Las Vegas Nevada. She has been in the western barrel racing career since she was 7 years old and has over 20 years of experience. In 2009 she took a nasty fall with one of her horses breaking her C-2 vertebrae in which left her career very doubtful to ever consider return back to. In her road to recovery and road to the National Finals will big gold in mind, she was able to qualify for a spot in the 2013 NFR later to win with her partner in crime BabyFlo in 2014.

In being able to meet her for the second time it automatically was such a positive energy and uplifting vibe. She is so very patient and such kind human being. Not only is she unloading her passion for her sport but is so open-minded to the care and well being of these amazing animals before and after their performances. With the love for such a thrill-seeking sport, her clinic's majority consists of reaching out to the community who seek assistance in confidence and self-esteem building whether it be on horseback or not. Her love for horses reaches to help assist anyone of any age to create and accomplish their goals.

Assistant Trainer Sydney and teammate Ronnie Roo, an OTTB whom she has been re-training, attended the clinic for the second time to help with confidence building in and outside of the show ring. Head Trainer Bailey and Bay Ridge Equestrian team horse Jake attended as well as both companion and supporter to both Ronnie and Sydney.

They have been working so very hard either around barrels or working on the flat. It was amazing to be able to see them both enter that arena with head held high and open minds as they ran their hearts out seeking such high professional guidance. We are so happy to see Sydney and Ronnie’s progression set yet another amazing personal record. Together, before instruction, showed Fallon what they had by running in the George Ingalls Equestrian Center at a 17.2 in her first run. After some drills with Fallon and instruction on body positioning (even behavioral measures for Miss Ronnie) the team came back in and ran their fastest time yet clocking in at a 16.5. ASTOUNDING!

One of the major factors to walk away from this clinic is that no matter what your goals may be, whether they be big or small, there will be roadblocks in the way to test you. Stay strong, focus, take your time, and realize there is no age limit for goal reaching. Nowadays everyone is on a time crush pressuring us to reach the levels with cheats rather than through hard work. When it comes to equine sports we have to keep into consideration that these animals are so pleasing and pure-minded that only seek love and guidance. Many times do both Sydney and I question and doubt whether or not be will be able to succeed with our intended goals with our personal horses. Yes. We are humans with doubts. But what the beauty is that we have both come to realize is that excessive hard work and team effort in mind, no matter what, will always benefit our relationships with our horses. Though the time to success will take a little while longer. The outcome will be so much more rewarding to look back on once we reach the top. Don't give up. Keep going!

So a suggestion to all you riders both younger and older, take time out of your day to write down a few goals you would like to accomplish this year. Whether they be on a horse or not....write them down. Keep them visible. Create a plan on how you might want to reach them... then figure out how you will be able to reach for the stars.

The Bay Ridge Equestrian Squad just wanted to congratulate both Ronnie and Sydney on a job well done. 2 years together. 1 year on the barrels. So many more years to spend growing together. Without a doubt you will go very far!

Enjoy some pics of our little Norco day trip adventure.

With love, Bailey Evans


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Stockdale, TX



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